Saturday, January 30, 2010

Philosophy Makes Me Want To Rant & Rave

The thought of being kept in the dark brings politics to mind.  How it effects me directly as a citizen in a low economic standing is like being imprisoned in this cave of shadows.  The cave being the controlled mass population and the cave being the system.  The way that tax payers dollars are divided have begun to frustrate me.  The budget cuts from our schools are ridiculous and I have to thank the people responsible for cutting funds.

It trickles down from the higher ups cooking the books and pocketing god know how many of millions of dollars.  Plato's thoughts brings to mind America's politics.  What if the smartest, most suited, or the wise have been suppressed by those with large amounts of money & power?  In this case I really feel that our society has been subjected to this demise.  This reminds me of a very funny line in the hit movie Avatar "now they're just pissing on us without having the courtesy of telling us its rain". When the heck are we going to wake up and see that we are being controlled like puppets? Ignorant bliss may be at hand here.  What if a whole society is kept 'in the cave' and those who are able to better themselves are silenced by America's aristocrats? 

Here's a thought--Lets keep the poor and the middle class on under wraps by doing things like having city cops ticket citizens on the Municipal Transportation Agency for drinking or eating.  All natural things that are needed to sustain the body right?  The citizen's dollar is paying for this service and it cycles back to bite them in the rear in.  People use the transit  system to get to their low paying jobs. How about we cut the funds that go to education so we keep the lower class ignorant. Lets sell dirt cheap crap food to low income communities so we can raise the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancers in that group. Yes it is your choice to avoid all this. Yes you can work out of a crap society. YES YOU CAN! Arnold, how do I love thee, let me count the ways.

Not only is this issue becoming more alive to me but I knew how much the fear has been embedded in me when the New York Times wrote a story about San Francisco State University and the budget cuts. My week consisted of showing up for about 30 classes, participating, being attentive to the instructors only to either be turned away or looked out sourly if you waltz in late. God damn it I've been walking up and down stairs, booking across campus, emailing, visiting departments, and trying to sell myself to a system that mind you is taking money from me by the thousands. I understand that a good education must be earned. I understand that I choose to be there. And I also understand that it is in my power to achieve were I want to be in life. But there is a line that must be drawn if it seems like you over enroll and offer next to nothing that is required of us to graduate. You hare a higher education system San Francisco State University! You should be able to think this out thoroughly and use your critical thinking skills to come up with a more feasible plan don't you think? If only these professors knew what was happening or least try to remember that the budget cuts are killing our alternatives. 

I have gone off on a crazy tangent but I really do feel that America's education system is part of some money conspiracy of those who are more knowledgeable of where the tax payers dollar REALLY goes.  Maybe I don't know enough to pass judgment on the shadows that are caste on the walls.  But this system seems to be a bit corrupt and what we should be informed is kept in the dark.  We bills being passed that have hidden articles that relieve those responsible to stray away from what they should be held responsible for.