Saturday, February 6, 2010

Your Lying Eyes

Following the ideas of Plato's Allegory Cave in comparison to what I took from the movie the Matrix I feel that the theme was that perception is subjective. The things you see in life that stimulates experiences in your memory bank can affect how you view situations thus, effecting your response. Results are infinite depending on all the tangible results so one may or may not be able to stumble upon all of the truths to life.  The decision you may have for yourself when you face something new can answered only by the few results to the paths you choose. So the question of your experiences that you have under your belt isn't enough in comparison to the complexity of a difficult situation in which you are forced to decide poses a big problem if your searching for the truth.  One truth may be true completely through and through for one individual according where they are viewing it and the same for you.  Being the product of your environment is a direct result of you being bias.  The normal situations become somewhat of a home to self.  Home becomes comforting and in that comfort habit is formed.  Once that habit becomes a part of your ritual it becomes a part of you.  The characteristics that become a part of you is a direct result of your environment.  In the case of the theme at hand is that environment leads you to believe that the world has a set of rules that things must abide by as far as result.  I am not talking about the results of gravity or basic physics.  Just simply that the world is a learned place for both the mind and the body.  You are conditioned to have learned reactions to a system.  The question you have to ask yourself is what kind of system are you being exposed to.  Because we are trained to have a systematic reaction we don't question things the ending result.  The result you are left with is expected.  A learned norm can begin to act as a blinder to the other events that are happening without your knowledge because of your assumption of things.  Whether you look at it scientifically, spiritually, or politically whatever path you go down the stance you take is influenced by your very own skewed perspective.  Scientifically, our knowledge is minuscule to what time itself has experienced.  So what we think we know may not be all that should be or could be known.  We are a part of a galaxy within a universe in which we do not really know where  begins or ends.  For example, black holes can bend time, space, and gravity at to its will.  Spiritually, we are unable to know what happens to self after death.  Politically, we are informed of only what is given to us through mass media. So on and so forth, the human mind isn't capable seeing the world all the dimensions so in that we are victims to ignorance.  Knowledge is infinite and this itself causes a problem what the truth really is.

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