Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Control of Fear

Your thoughts and reactions are a big part of the way you were conditioned to react to certain situations.  With that, feelings like fear, love and what your definition of freedom is may differ as well.  Films like, V for Vendetta, sends a deep message about how it is so easy to give in controlled thought because of laziness, lack of knowledge, or plain out fear.  All of these may be learned and influenced by what you see or what you choose to expose yourself to.  Sometimes there are hidden agendas with groups sending their message that may influence you to sway towards their favor.  This film seemed very political charged and I felt that it was a message to the system that England has given into. 

England automatically comes to mind because of how it is known as the surveillance-society.  Having cameras on almost every street corner produces a fear whether consciously or unconsciously.  The thought of being watched doesn't make anyone feel at ease.  So I really felt that it was a message about the whole big brother idea.  Having satellites watching, scoping and transmitters surrounding all of us causes some to not be free with thought and the way they live their life.  This also may help groups influence the reaction they would like you to succumb to.  Being non threatening, unaware, passive little citizens was a common reaction to the society that was in V for Vendetta.  Only until you are exposed to pain you are aware of existence to self. 

What I'm trying to get at is that through every system, something is learned and what you take from it helps you think about what your next moves would be when faced with a challenge.  There were many stories within the plot that had a message to the viewer.  Do not give into fear because of pain.  Fear played a huge part of what was happening to Evey as well.  Evey was a part of the norm that went about her monotonous, meaningless life.  She was aware of the system that was built around her and the suppression of normal human expression that was being controlled through her parents.  Through another system of suppression brought to her by the character V she was awakened to the truth that had been looking her in the face since she was a child.  You have the ability to chose what your demise would be and that action alone will shape you.  Evey becoming fearless opens her minds eye to what is going on around her.  Although her exposure to the truth came about cruel and unthinkable it still taught her something very important.  This system of being conditioned into thinking further beyond the results was an important part of her life.  The strength to become free has been within her and her will is strong.  A domino effect of this thought reaches out to people in the masses and the power of knowledge leads to an complete uproar of this society.  Revolutions give rise to new thought and order all the time.  Knowing something is wrong or corrupt causes many of us to rise up and think outside the box. 

Evey's captivity in itself was a kind of imprisonment.  Like the prisoners in Plato's Allegory Cave, the one freed was exposed to the truths about life.  Things aren't always what they seem to be.  Your ability to control your actions and control the fear that eats you up can be taken a hold of.  What you have been conditioned to believe or react can be changed for the better.  We know that being influenced could go so far to the point where you get stuck in a monotonous sort of march in your life though.  We all can and have fallen victims to this train of thought in our lives.  Your definition of a productive day becomes so natural and comfortable that sometimes we don't question why we do the things we do religiously.  Days turn into weeks, weeks into months and so on and so forth and habits of being silenced or living in fear is passed on from generation to generation.  The importance of knowing that you have a choice to break free from this cycle seemed to be one of the biggest themes.

Another thing that came across to me was that knowledge is power.  The more you know the more attainable conclusions you are aware of.  The more you are aware of the more you could identify what must be changed and not ignored.  Sharing this knowledge and passing it on will also be a struggle.  Making moves to progress will seem a minute gesture compared to the lesson at hand once these feelings become fueled by things that are not right.  I think that the importance of revolution is good for humanity to progress.   I am not saying go ahead and throw a fit about everything that you feel is unjust and wrong but having a great orderly way of organizing to better all is a good way of going about injustice.  Without order there is complete chaos.  But in order to gain this level of progression that is good for all there must be some sort of set of rules that we have to respect.  When these set of rules become distorted or influenced by greed this is when the system starts to fail.  

Breaking free from a failed system and gaining knowledge of what corruption underlying what these groups were practicing an important revelation to the film.  So be it a cave, corrupted political system, fear as a suppressor it is important that you seek the truth of it all and step back and think about what is going on.


  1. First of all, I think this blog is very well thought out and written. Great job.

    I understand the themes that you're referring to that connects from Plato's Cave to The Matrix and to V for Vendetta. I haven't seen V for Vendetta myself but I've heard about it. Personally I never tried to see it because the mask scares me. I'm easily scared... I got scared of Alice in Wonderland for crying out loud...

    But anyway, my favorite theme would be the importance of knowing that you have a choice to break free from a bigger cycle. No matter what we believe in or forced to believe in, we have our own choice on the issue or whatever this cycle is. We have to figure out in ourselves that courage to take the first step away from this force that controls us: to break free, to rebel. This is the only way that we'd find out how to live according to our choices. To loosen all the tightness from the ropes that were put around us since we were little. To act on our own choices for the first time and actually live.

  2. I enjoyed the blog very in depth. I like how you tied the fact that once a certain habit is place time begins to pass with out anyone noticing anymore. Like in the cave you don't know anymore you just do.
    I like the bit about surveillance and fear it ties in the cave idea really well. The prisoners believe they are being watched they dont necessarily feel safer they just know they are being watched.
    I have seen the movie and I also like the idea that Evey frees herself from the fear. Then becomes free to see the real beauty of making her own decisions and getting out of the cave. Do you think that it would not have happened if Evey did not have V to show her the light of the sun? Could she have escaped on her own? You did hint that there has to be a facilitator to the escape from fear or the cave.
    The fact that you mention knowledge is power is great, the ability to recognize what is real knowledge and what is not is great. The power of revolution is good idea also, how it ties into the escape from fear, the cave, or system.
