Sunday, March 14, 2010

Communication Taking New Paths

Vlog: "Privacy & Voyuerism on the Tube"

Since the introduction of technological mediums as a source of communication the adaptation of using them has affected the way humans communicate. Through centuries of trial and error there has been a selection of useful communicative traits that have developed into considerable efficient characteristics that are then passed on to the next generation as an adaptation for social survival skills in the environment you are in.  Darwinism carried itself into social and technological communication and is changing the way that we interact with each other on a day to day basis online.

When I was watching my video blogger speak about the points she had gathered about changing communication skills online it made me think of questions that I would have asked for her to further diverge on: what social skills through technological mediums have proven to be favorable traits in her opinion, what causes us to react the way we do when filming ourselves when using these mediums, how we choose to portray ourselves when reaching out when in need of attention online, and what is considered okay as far as comfort levels when sharing personal information about ourselves to strangers online.

People naturally try to bond with each other by creating communities that make us feel like we belong to a group.  Our behaviors are shaped by the hierarchical process within online social communities filtering out the undesirable behaviors when video blogging.  After gaining the trust and status from online communities, video blogger's are left to mimic only the favorable traits that conjure the responses that they desire.  People in online communities have developed a new kind of social system onto online forums on the Internet.  What is learned as favorable skills when communicating face to face reflects how we choose to interact with each other online.  Through these adaptations brought about by  technologies many mediums we are beginning to build new characteristics within ourselves that are successful in helping us convey what we feel brings us together to each other. We have brought our community building skills and have projected them into videos, electronic music, and writing on the Internet.
Responses that we would rebuttal with when in discussion can be seen through my video bloggers conversation with the camera and herself.  For example, when she reflection of why we like to be watched  online she later helps herself into a question answer kind of conversation.  This is something that would happen naturally when conversing with another person.  A question, answer, then bonding happens and you could see how her learned reactions are being recorded as such.  She discusses how we like to be watched and how we are beginning to feel okay with this 'voyeurism' that surrounds us. The feeling of being watched in the outside world when we are facing each other as something rude or intruding. I wanted to focus on the definition a little bit before going further on my thoughts about being watched. When I think of a voyeuristic person I visualize someone who watches people in a perverted way rather than gathering data that helps them bond better with others for platonic relationships. So in the sense of gathering data, I see the what we do to protect our ego and how we develop lines that we allow ourselves to cross and draw for each other to make us feel loved.

What was once considered rude or prying has evolved into something we now accept because it is builds community and enforces the moral the group formed online.  Communication is changing and with that what is dynamics of what is considered respectful is going along with the change.  Our natural behaviors like venting or confining in some one has other extensions in which we could release our stresses. 

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